To submit feedback on FISWG “Draft for Comment” documents, download this Excel form "Submission
Template" to record your feedback. All documents in draft will be open for public comment for a
minimum of 30-days after the posted date. You may submit multiple comments within a single form,
but you are requested to use separate forms for each FISWG document upon which you wish to
comment. Please change the excel document’s filename to reflect your agency, initials, and
submission date. Document feedback which does not use the Excel form template will not be
considered. Email all forms to the FISWG Chair ( In the body of your email,
please include the following information:
Document feedback which does not use the Excel form template will not be considered.
Email all forms to the FISWG Chair (
In the body of your email, please include the following information:
- Name
- Title
- Email Address
- Phone Number
- Office Address
- Area Of Expertise
- Are you a FISWG member?